Level 5 of the CO2 performance ladder
In December of 2023, the Mobility Invest Group has obtained level 5 of the CO2 performance level. This is a declaration for organizations who actively work on reducing their CO2 footprint. Sustainability is very important to us, and that’s why obtaining level 5 is a good confirmation and a big step in reaching our goals. In the coming years, the MIG will keep working on reaching our goals and becoming a more sustainable company which makes a positive impact. You can find more information about this on our CO2 policy page.

Mobility Invest Group has moved to a new location
The MIG has experienced significant growth in the past year, and we now collaborate with over 120 colleagues. We have outgrown the three buildings where we worked for years. It was time for something new! Since August 2023, we have moved to Smallepad 34 in Amersfoort. This is a sustainable office building along the railway where the entire MIG can work together in one location. Here, we have the space to further expand and work towards all our goals.

Strategic adjustments due to Covid
MIG now operates from three offices in Amersfoort and employs around 100 people across 7 different labels. In 2020, the world of mobility came to a complete standstill due to Covid. This sudden change in mobility behaviour was challenging employers, their employees and consumers to adapt their mobility to the new normal. Thanks to a history in behavioural change, MIG has found that its mobility services are well positioned to deliver more sustainable, flexible and inclusive mobility to suit today’s world.

Louwman invested with a minority interest of 25% growth from a project-driven and organised organisation to an investor group with 7 individual labels, each with their own product and target group
This growth trajectory became the focus in 2019: growth in current and new product and market combinations, including mobility solutions for tourists, international exchange students and residents of new urban developments. The first study into possibilities for growth outside the Netherlands was also conducted.
Given the tremendous potential, the shareholders of MIG explored the possibility of attracting additional distribution partners and funding to accelerate MIG’s growth even further. As such, a close cooperation with Louwman Group was established in 2019 for full mobility solutions in the Dutch market as well as a 25% minority stake in MIG.

ISEA certificate
ISEA certificate was obtained and business operations were professionalised Began recruiting additional distribution partners and financing.
In 2018, MIG focused fully on the integration and successful roll-out of the government mobility cards, the required ISAE certificate and further professionalisation of the company, including expanding the executive committee with the addition of new directors.
Until 2018, MIG financed its IT development through new and innovative projects funded by clients. Thanks to the added revenue from the government contract, MIG was able to continue its steep growth trajectory, by reinvesting this revenue in the company.

Winner of the tender for a mobility solution for Dutch civil servants
Winner of the tender for a mobility solution for Dutch civil servants in collaboration with strategic partner Shuttel; the start of intensive cooperation with NS (Dutch National Railway).
This fusion of Reisbalans and MaaS platforms enabled MIG to win the mobility tender for approximately 108,000 government employees in 2017, together with strategic partner Shuttel. During this period, MIG realised that strong partnerships are crucial. Therefore, the company established an intensive partnership with one of its key partners, the NS (Dutch National Railway Service).

Acquisition of Reisbalans from Achmea
To expand upon these business services, the Reisbalans platform was acquired from Achmea in 2016. Henceforth, MIG was able to offer value-added services to corporate clients.

BKA license, start of corporate services
In 2014, MIG obtained the BKA licence (Corporate Card Licence for issuing public transport chip cards) and shifted its focus to B2B Mobility as a Service (MaaS). From then on, the company was able to supply corporate OV chip cards offering payment services for public transport, parking and fuel. The white-label services were offered through such partners as NS, Achmea and Pon.

Launch of Mobility Invest Group BV
Mobility Invest Group BV was founded in 2013. The company is based on the founders’ previous experiences with Regiecentrale BV. This company was specialised in white-label mobility projects. During MIG’s first years, the focus was consequently on behavioural change projects for local governments and experiments in the new world of Integrated Mobility.